Wednesday, January 18, 2017

A Dog's Purpose

Lilly and I were available for a free viewing of the movie 'A Dog's Purpose'. It was a nice evening downtown, eating popcorn and tender moments remembering Sydney. It's a good movie!  

Expander is installed


Thursday, January 5, 2017

Phase 1 begins for Lilly

Today Lilly is getting her spacers to begin her orthodontics journey. She brought Bongo to keep her company. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Halloween Night

Another fun night with neighbors! The in-coming traffic of trick or treaters was down this year, but it was a super turnout of our neighborhood children. We went around our normal route - snaking around through Crest Street to 22nd Street.
Since we recently had our neighborhood party I was able to have lengthier conversations with 5 houses, say 'hello' by name to 9 homes, and introduce myself to 5 new homes - mentioning the potluck and hope to see them next time. Great outreach time!
When we returned home we hung out across the street with 'the regulars' and Micah got to help with the microphone/speaker part of the dramatics.
Micah and Lilly had a good time putting their costumes together. Micah used his chicken mask from cousin Christopher, chicken feet he got on Amazon with birthday money, and clothes we found at Goodwill. We sewed the felt (from a pumpkin costume we found on the rack) onto the t-shirt for the wings. Lilly wanted something with a tail. We found the mouse accessories and gray clothes at Goodwill.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Trail Ride tonight

Lilly, and some of the other girls, are going for a trail ride tonight with Ema for class. Lilly has Freckles.  

Hero Tournament - Micah's turn

Last Tuesday Micah's name was drawn for the next round of heroes. The two courageous people - Michael Murphy and Sophie Scholl.
Micah defended the case for Sophie Scholz and his classmate, Corina, defended Michael Murphy. Both had opening statements, negatives, rebuttals, and closing remarks. I'm the end, Sophie Scholl was voted the more courageous. Her name will move on in the bracket.
It was a terrific week of extra research, finding verses to support the defense, and prepare everything for speaking in a debate format.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Piggie Poo Rescue

Our first Eastside Explorers field trip was today at Piggie Poo Rescue Center. It's really close to our house. Amy and Addi Cline came too!
There are 27 Guinea pigs there - many ready for a forever home. We learned a lot about how to take care of them. It's a good thing we had not gotten one - we would not have been doing a lot of things properly.
They were very cute and came in lots of "styles".   The kids fed them lettuce leaves and two were brought out to hold.
We did not bring one home.